Surprisingly fun and addictive!

User Rating: 8.7 | Mario Tennis GBC
A Mario game with tennis AND a story line, who woulda thought? Sound lame, right? NOPE! This GBC version is so much fun. The story line is unfortunately, tragically short, but it's a lot of fun for about 2-3 hours until you beat it. It's a great game to play through several times though. But there are other modes of play outside the story mode. It's a pretty simple engine, not much to it. So it's pretty simple controls. The sound is good, however, there's no over-the-top music, like in most other Shigeru Miyamoto games that you'll hum in your head for weeks. One great aspect of this game is that you can take it with you, and you probably will, everywhere you go. It can really get you through some pretty boring times. After it all, Mario Tennis for the Game Boy Color is a very good buy. It should be cheap wherever you find it, so you can't lose much. Enjoy!