Best hand-held tennis game so far? Close enough.

User Rating: 8.1 | Mario Tennis: Power Tour GBA
Mario Tennis: Power Shot

Not gonna lie to ya. When the word 'Mario' appears in games, the games themselves receive some added reputation. But seriously, this game has everything, if not too much, anyone would want from a game boy advance tennis game.

Gameplay-wise it basically take place in the tennis court. For you tennis players/fans, the familiar tennis terms such as top-spin, slice, volley is all in the game. You're able to whip out a smash or out-maneuver opponents using top-spin on the tennis ball. However it was noticeable during matches that hitting the ball 'out' was quite difficult, with most shots being hit inside the court. Apart from that the matches are what you'd expect in a proper tennis game. Grunts here and there, spectacular dives to save the ball..etc. Oh, the special 'power shots' are goodies to use as well... really adds flavour to what is already a solid tennis game.

Another thing. The game is set out in a 'rpg' kind of style. Most of the times you'll find yourself talking to people, endlessly clicking on the 'B' or 'A' button. Apart from this minor setback, the rpg thing works out pretty well overall.

Graphics is pretty sweet. Nice clear colours on the different courts and the players/people.

Value-wise, it's probably wiser to just borrow the game from a video store or from a friend as it only takes around 5hrs to finish singles and another 5hrs to finish doubles.

Overall it's a good solid tennis game with a few spices of 'power shot!' to add some variety. A really fun game to play. Enjoy.

non_existent out.