Mario does well at at the Baseball game; but he's nowhere near a superstar.

User Rating: 8 | Super Mario Stadium Miracle Baseball GC
Mario does well at at the Baseball game; but he's nowhere near a superstar. If you've played Mario Power Tennis, and enjoyed it, then you will like Mario Superstar Baseball. However, the game is really easy thanks to the really simplistic AI that is in the game. True, it's a child's game (not baseball in it's entirety, the Mario game) but I expected a little difficulty. Anyhow, you'll love the music and the roster of characters is quite enjoyable. Even with all the little mini-games you can play, this is quite a solid package and it's fun for the whole family (great, now I'm a damn advertiser).

Even if you bring a friend along, you'll have some fun. Overall, I've you like Mario Sports games than no doubt, you'll like Mario Superstar Baseball. But in no way, shape or form is this game like a superstar.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoy.