Why does nintendo insist on making mario sport sport games, their never any good

User Rating: 7.6 | Super Mario Stadium Miracle Baseball GC
This game is really short and real easy. the gameplay is jus a simple press A to throw the ball amd the batter has to hit it.Its really easy to hit the ball..

THe graphics are good except for the fact that the players can walk trough each other. theres not to much to say about the graphics

the sound are good at first but after 3 hours of gameplay youll realize that the empire is really anoying. 3 hours of hearing "strike" "safe" "out" and other baseball calls would make you stab youre ears.

replay value sucks. the only thing that would make you play this game again is if you have a bragging friend saying he can beat you. also they hav a nice toy field thats fun to play with a friend. besides that the story sucks