Nintendo does it again with another great Mario sports game in Mario Superstar Baseball.

User Rating: 8.4 | Super Mario Stadium Miracle Baseball GC
First off, there are several different modes of play including exhibition mode(self-explanatory), challenge mode and minigame mode. In challenge mode, you pick a captain and go around challenging other teams.
Challenge mode is also for unlocking extra characters and completing their star missions to improve their stats. I found it really rewarding and addictive trying to complete the all the character star missions as some of them can be extremely challenging. Mario Superstar Baseball has 32 playable characters, each with unique attributes and abilities. Captains like Mario, Bowser and Peach have special star skills which are really useful and cool to use. Gameplay is a blast, I especially enjoyed fielding and batting. The pitching and batting controls are pretty easy to pick up and learn compared to MLB games. That being said, it might take a while for someone who is unfamiliar with baseball to figure out how to play the game. The baserunning AI isn't very good as your baserunners are always set to advance whether you register a base hit or not. The fact that there are only six stadiums to choose from is a little bit disappointing since there isn't much to really distinguish between them. The minigames aren't that great either, in my opinion. For all its flaws though, I still think that this is a pretty impressive game and anyone who is a fan of baseball or Mario should give this title a try.