This is the best Mario sports game in terms of single player, but it's not without its fair share of flaws.

User Rating: 7.8 | Super Mario Stadium Miracle Baseball GC
Mario Superstar Baseball continues Mario's sports domain to the baseball diamond. The gameplay is alright, although there are a few things that can be improved. The baserunners will run no matter what kind of ball you hit, so you may end up getting lots of double plays. Second, the ball may roll close to one fielder, but you may end up controlling another, taking it longer for you to catch and throw the ball. The pitching an batting controls seem perfect. You can throw normal pitches, charged pitches, and even slow pitches. For batting, you can swing normally, or charge your swing for longer hits. The graphics and sounds, as with any other Mario sports game, look good. The replay value is high thanks to an enhanced single player challenge mode. Some of the minigames, though, can get very annoying. Also, the multiplayer could have been better, as only two players max can play baseball games together. Unlike the other Mario sports games, Mario Superstar Baseball is a better purchase for those who like to play alone.