It's a good game that if you want to takes you a long time to complete.some minigames are really clever and fun.

User Rating: 7.5 | Mario Party 4 GC
It's a good game that if you want to takes you a long time to complete.some minigames are really clever and fun. It's a nice and easy game as well you can half relax while playing this game. A few Minigames are pretty bad overall put that's overpowered by the good ones like mario medley & booksquirm etc. A good game on single player that will last you a long time. Multiplayer is also really good but not quite good enough for a mario party game which is why i've rated it lower still extremely fun and with pretty good graphics. Tons to do with 8 Characters to chose from.A pretty good game i'd say. meowcow22