Mario Party 4 is a great game that is a must have for any big party

User Rating: 9.5 | Mario Party 4 GC
Mario Party 4 is one of the best games you can have for a party or just a get together with a bunch of friends. Its a very simple game that can be picked up by just about anyone. The main game is like a board game you have the board there are a total of six in the whole game and each has a different theme and are very cool they also range in difficulty. After everyone has taken their turn on the board there is a mini-game that you have to play there are at least 50 mini-games and they are almost all fun but their are a couple that are very dumb. Some of the mini-games your player is against all the other players others are 2 VS 2 and some are 3 VS 1. But the mini-games are easily the best part of the game and are what makes this such a great game. The single player mode is very short but fun you have to win a round and the five main boards after each round you will ave a boss fight in a special mini-game these are pretty easy and you are rewarded with a present for your efforts once you beat the five main boards you will have to go to Bowser's board and beat him in a huge obstacle course type thing getting all the presents for every character doesn't really do anything so don't waste your time doing that and you can trust me because I beat the single player game with all eight characters but its good to play through the game at least once so you can unlock the Bowser board. Mario Party 4's graphics are nothing special the boards are pretty well done and the characters are also well done. The sound is good each character has their own sounds that they make and the games music is very upbeat and goes perfectly with the tempo of the mini-games. Mario Party 4 has GREAT value because this game is perfect for partys and the mini-games don't get old for a very long time. Mario Party 4 is the best Mario Party game on the gamecube and should be owned by anyone whou throws lots of partys or has a lot of friends.