The 4th installment of the mario party series and still going strong and is still fun

User Rating: 9.2 | Mario Party 4 GC
The good parts of this game like mario party 1,2, and 3 you have the mini-games which make this game really good. Also the graphics have been enhanced very well and the movement is a lot clearer and slower so you can see what is going on or where you are wanting to go on the board. There are many new boards and most of them are really good and wide variety of things to do in a board, or a number of things that can happen in a board. THe new items are really good, you now got a mega mushroom to make your character huge, or a tiny mushroom to make your character..well tiny, and there are advantages to each item, but yet disadvantages, there are also older items and a lot of new items. I kinda like that there is a host for each board, it gets kinda annoying seeing the same person give you a star. Most of the minigames are really good and can keep you playing for awhile. In the extra mode room, there is a area where you can play volleyball which is cool and there are alot of extra modes where you can play extra minigames and set records. The bad parts of this game is the "action time" from mario party 3 got taken out on this one, and that was really good add in to mario party. Also, i have the feeling that nintendo was slacking on minigames, there are only 40 minigames excluding the story mode minigames and the extra minigames. Like all other mario party's it is a torture playing by yourself, to get the fun, get 2 or more people to play. Still, another great mario party, and a really good jump from the nintendo 64 to the gamecube.