This is one of the best MarioKart games released!

User Rating: 9 | Mario Kart Wii (w/ Racing Wheel) WII
I just got this game and I am very satisfied with it! It is better then all the Mario Kart games put together, but it's a little hard though. The difficulty is kind of tough, but that's how a Mario Kart game should be made. The graphics are good and the controls are awesome. I love using the Wii weel to race, it's fun. Unlike all the other Mario Kart games you can pick wich kart to have, and you can even pick bikes now, and the selection of characters is great too. Theres more of a veriety. Theres more to the game, like choosing vs. mode. You can race against each other, or you could be on a team also. There is a wide selection of kart stages to choose from, there are new ones, and there are some from previous consols, like the S.N.E.S., the N.64, the Game Cube, or the D.S. If you are a hardcore Mario and Nintendo fan, your going to love this game. I reccomend getting it if you have a Wii system.

Overall game play: 9.0