This game is great, if your looking for good quality family time, but it's a bit to childish and a bit pointless.

User Rating: 5.5 | Mario Kart Wii (w/ Racing Wheel) WII
This game is great, if your looking for good quality family time, but it's a bit to childish and a bit pointless. I expected the graphics to be a bit better as well, but it was crappy. It's a simple3D format, just like DS graphics. I think Mario Kart 64, which was made over 12 years ago is better then this. At least the graphics were better and had effort. Nintendo is only aiming at little kids and some teens, and those adults who have no lives. I mean Nintendo if you want to make money look at Microsoft or PlayStation they target all ages. You target only one audience, grow up! Though Mario Kart has great Online play, with VS. matches, balloon battles, and coin battles. The tracks in the game are nice as well, it also has a great feature, they had added tricks and a lot of Nintendo Classic Characters to unlock. But come on Nintendo, know with XBox kinect racing with no controllers you lost so many friends right there.