This game has got to be one of the best Mario Kart games besides Mario Kart Wii.

User Rating: 9.5 | Mario Kart DS (DS Bundle) DS
This game has got to be one of the best Mario Kart games besides Mario Kart Wii. Although your back to playing as one character, there is an additional character that's not even a Mario character (R.O.B). The Robotic Operating Buddy (R.O.B.) was a robotic character that was featured on the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), and he had a few of his own games. The rest of the characters are the same with the addition of Dry Bones. This time you have a lot more karts to choose from (around 34).

Also, online play comes up in Mario Kart for the very first time. You have to set up Wi-Fi on your router, and enter a WEP key. After you set up Wi-Fi, you can enter your friend codes and versus against each other. You can also race against people from around the world. If one friend has this game and another friend doesn't you can still use a wireless download play, but it will take a bit longer to load. The person who doesn't have this game ends up playing as Shy Guy. Some levels are remakes from the previous Mario Karts. There's a chocolate track, and a Lego track etc. The majority of the levels are new especially Luigi's Mansion.

The graphics in this game really stand out. They were well designed to be colorful, bright, and animated. They still aren't as realistic as Mario Kart Wii. The character models look fantastic, but they could of been a bit more detailed.

The music in this game has some old school Mario themed music, but the others were new. Overall, the music fits perfectly with all of the levels.

Presentation - 9 There's a grand prix, multiplayer, time trial, and online mode for the very first time.

Graphics - 9 They were designed to be colorful, bright, and animated. The character models look fantastic, but they could have been a bit more detailed.

Sound - 10 There's some familiar music with some new school Mario themed tracks.

Game play - 10 The controls are tight, and they work well.

Lasting approval - 9.5 With the addition to having online play, you will probably spend more time playing this game with other people.

Overall 9.5