Although this is the only Mario Kart available on the Game cube, this is still one of the better racing games around.

User Rating: 9 | Mario Kart: Double Dash!! GC
Although this is the only Mario Kart available on the Game cube, this is still one of the better racing games around. For the first time you can play as two characters instead of one. For example, you can select Mario and Luigi, and switch between the two while you drive. The character on the back holds weapons, and the character on the front is the designated driver. You press the Z button to switch characters. I think this idea is unique because the races become easier with teamwork, and it gives this game more of a thrill.

When you play two player modes on grand prix, you can have one player be a driver and the other character deals with weapons. You can also play as two characters and your friend will play as two other characters in split screen mode. The same thing applies with three and four player modes. Although this game has no online play, you can still use a LAN connection which enables you to connect multiple Game cube consoles to extend multiplayer.

Also, the battle modes were enhanced as well. You can also steal shine sprites (from Super Mario Sunshine) from your opponents. You can still play the classic balloon popping game from the previous Mario Karts. There are some unique boards like a pixilated board that tilts from time to time. Time trial mode, on the other hand, hasn't improved much at all.

Presentation - 8.5 Multiplayer and battle modes have enhanced immensely from Mario Kart 64, but time trial mode is basically the same.

Graphics - 9 The characters look amazing, and the overall graphics are bright and colorful. In fact, the characters look better in this game than Mario Kart DS.

Sound - 9.5 The music is a classic, and the voices are amazing. The character voices are still a bit repetitive.

Game play - 10 As they always say, two heads are better than one. LOL

Lasting Approval - 8 With extended multiplayer modes, you will want to play this game over and over again. It still could have online play, and an improved time trial mode.

Overall 9.0 out of 10