Great game, multiplayer is brilliant when it works

User Rating: 8.5 | Mario Kart 7 3DS
The game is fun to play although I find that single player is a bit easy. Multiplayer is great when it actually works. I got the game for xmas 2011 and spent everyday for just over a week trying to get online but failing all the time. When I finally got online it was a blast although in some games there were people doing nothing which is both annoying and fun because it gives you the opportunity to get them all the time in battle mode. I haven't played multiplayer race yet because battling is so much fun. The 3D effect is really good on the game and really makes it more enjoyable however you have to be holding the console at a certain angle otherwise the game looks a bit odd. There are multiple control options including gyroscopic which involves you turning your 3DS to steer which I couldn't quite get to grips with.