this is a ok 200 points game.

User Rating: 6.5 | Nintendo DSi Tokei: Famicom Mario Type DS
this is better than the animal crossing clock.I did not know this was also a game.this is a good mario clock/game.while your looking at the time you are also getting coins.
this is alright.the point to this game/clock is to collect coins.
this is atleast worth 200 points.there is a mario calculator and this clock/game.
this game is fun it atleast deserves a 6.5 out of 10.
this is only collecting coins.
you can look at the clock while you are playing this this dsi ware thing is half a game and half a might like this this is only 200 dsi ware points so it is not that much are some good things about this is also a game can tell the time while you are playing this is not that much dsi ware points
here is only 1 thing not so good about this is only getting coins
and that is all i have to say.