A decent sports game.

User Rating: 8.5 | Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games WII
Sega and Nintendo have finally teamed up to bring Mario and Sonic into the same game. This game allows you to play through multiple events taken strait form the Olympic, including a few events created by Sega just for this game. This was a great concept an resulted in a game that is just plain fun.

The game looks great. The stands are always cheering you one and put you into the feeling of being in the Olympics. The music for this game is also great, but there is a little amount of music tracks available, so you'll be hearing the same music over and over.

Most of the motion controls for this game are really good and the Wii responds to the gestures you are making almost perfectly. The biggest problem, though, is the archery. During the first round you can receive a great score. Then once you enter the second round and on, no matter what you do, the arrow either goes out of bounds or lands on a 1 or 2. This happens everytime which makes completing circuit mode and some of the mission in mission mode a pain. Overal Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games has several issues that need improvement. However, it is still a fun game to play.