Many up's and down's.

User Rating: 6.5 | Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games WII
Mario&Sonic at the Olympic Games. A.K.A, Mario&Sonic Abuse the Wii remote. This game can be fun and challenging at times, but the Wii remote is practically pushed upon you to use. This game has some good things to it, but there are many bad points to it.
The good to this game. 1. Multiplayer. When you are playing with several other people, the game can get very fun and competitive. 2. Graphics. Impressive Wii graphics.

The bad to this game. 1. Gameplay. The gameplay to this game is very dull and almost the same for nearly every event, with the exception of 2 or 3 certain events that actually require some practice. 2. Controller Response. There are many incidents where the game dosen't recognize your commands, which can be frustrating. 3. No online play. They really should of added online play, that would of been exceptionally fun and competitive. 4. Voice acting. I know this dosen't matter too much, but it could of used a little work.

Despite all the bad about this game, the first couple of months you own this game, it will be fun at many points. Experiencing the new events while earning trophies and medals, it's pretty cool. However, after these few months, you will have earned most of the content. At that point, it is boring to play. I say you should get this as rental, you'll enjoy it. After you earn everything multiplayer will still be fun, though.

I would say this is an O.K. game, but it could have used some work. Rent it before you think about buying this.