If you own a Game Boy Advance (or a Nintendo DS) this game is a MUST have! :D

User Rating: 10 | Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga GBA

Nintendo proved that Mario could have VERY good R.P.G. games on the hardware systems available from Nintendo, but people wondered if they could duplicate the same kind of success on the Game Boy Advance. Nintendo proved once again, that they knew how to make lightning strike where it counted! This game has GREAT graphics, great sound, great controls, good music, and excellent challenge! With the help of Alpha Dream, Nintendo crafted a very epic, very original, and epicly FUNNY script for Mario AND Luigi to go on! As is the case with "Super Mario R.P.G.", Bowser isn't the BIG bad this time around! In fact, he gets STRUCK with amnesia and is convinced that he's an aspiring villain wanna-be for most of the game! Instead, the Big Bad this time is the EVIL Creepella, who with the help of her EPIC quotable side-kick Fawful, plans to STEAL Princess Peach's voice, only with SURPRISINGLY explosive results! Not only do Mario and Luigi explore an incredible NEW land called the Bean-Bean Kingdom, they will have to WORK together and co-ordinate their attacks in order to take down enemies and bring down bosses! Not only is THIS game GREAT, but all three sequels (so far) that carry the "Mario & Luigi" name have managed to do EVEN better! :D Best part of the game, the guest appearances by Bowser's seven bratty Koopa Kids! 8) Enough said! ;)