This Mario RPG is the best of the lot, with some cracking dialogue, a spectacular plot, and wonderful gameplay!

User Rating: 9.5 | Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga GBA
Ahh Mario. Whenever we think of Mario, we think of that one classic game: Super Mario Bros.. And normally, that's it for people. But there are so many more classic Mario games! Super Mario 64, Super Mario World, and Super Mario Galaxy. And among those classic games is Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Superstar Saga is a Mario game with a difference: it's an action RPG starring our favourite moustachioed bros in a hilarious and shocking adventure! The story is different from a generic Mario game as well: Mario, Luigi and Bowser travel to the Beanbean Kingdom to rescue Princess Peach's voice, which was stolen by the evil witch, Cackletta and her assistant Fawful posing as ambassadors from the Beanbean Kingdom.

The story plays out very well, with some welcome and side splittingly funny plot twists. The bros play a mainly silent protagonist role; when they do speak, nobody can understand them, which is a running gag throughout the game. Luigi is also the butt of many jokes in the game, due to him being "in his brother's shadow", and people having no idea who he is. Some highlights of the game include: Mario getting trapped in a barrel and filled full of cola; Luigi being hypnotised into thinking that he is his older sibling; and Luigi being turned into a surfboard.

The gameplay for the game is also very good. On the field map, players can control either Mario or Luigi, with the other following close behind. Safe areas are not connected by an over world, used by many RPGs; instead, they are connected by one large field map, much like in the MOTHER series. One the field, players can utilise a number of action available to Mario and Luigi. These include jumping, special jumping, and hammer actions, but are not limited to them. There are many puzzles in game, and these take a Zelda style approach: you really need to think about them. The puzzles are difficult, but never, never to the point of frustration.
There are also numerous mini-games throughout , many of which are mandatory. The mini-games can sometimes be frustrating, but are very enjoyable once you get the hang of them.

Enemies are not fought in random battles, and are instead displayed by a sprite on the field, and the player may choose whether to battle them or not. The battle system is very simple, but challenging to master. The player can control Mario with the A button and Luigi with the B button. Attacks are used through reaction commands, so the player needs to have his full attention on screen. For example, if Mario was about to jump on an enemy, the player could press the A button as soon as Mario landed for extra damage. In contrast, if Luigi was about to be charged by an enemy, he could press the B button to jump over the enemy, either avoiding it or counter-attacking. When the game begins, players are limited to three commands: Jump attacking, using items, and running, but Mario and Luigi gain more commands as the game progresses.

Mario and Luigi is a seriously funny game, with flawless controls that take seconds to pick up, but hours to master! The story is the best I've ever encountered in a Mario game and will suck you in until even after you deliver that fatal, final blow. Find it, play it, and love it.