By pc standards Getting up looks, and plays worse than it's console counterparts . Neither the less it's a good game .

User Rating: 7.9 | Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure PC
Who would have thought that there would ever be a good graffiti game, but leave it to Marc Ecko's to change that . Getting up is a suprisenly good game that shouldn't have been good I mean lets admit it Grafiti and games don't excactly go well together, but the guys as collective really made it happen . You play as Trane a graffiti artist or writer persay who just loves to do what he does . The basic plot of the game is that you Trane want to be a graffiti legend . While the plot isn't very strong, it's original which is what counts . Early into the game you will start with what seems a tutorial . You fight some guy and the game will tell you what you got to do and such . If you got it for the pc you will immediately notice that the game is tougher to play that on consoles due to the fact that keyboard isn't good for these types of games . Even so The game plays out good spraying a stickering walls is fun, although the combat does get repetitive after awhile . Graphically Getting Up looks great on the ps2, but due to pc standards it looks bad at best . Textures, character models and the overall game just doesn't compare to alot of pc titles, although it does feuture a nice artistic view to the game that does save it aswell as big locals, and an excellent presentation to it . The biggest thing Getting up has going for it is it's audio . The voice acting is really top notch . Lets not even begin with the soundtrack the perfect mix is urban themed tracks is enough to bring you into the experience of this game . I really couldn't find a flaw in the audio in this game, I just had a blast singing along with the soundtrack, and an enjoyable time listening to the characters talking .

Getting up can be finished rather quick . It took me 7 hours to finish it, with no multi-player come back to the game just is hard to recommend for more than a rental . Overall : It's a great mix of alot of things, normally games like these should fail to hit the mark, but Getting up reaches it . The pc version of this game is basically the same as the consoles, but your typical pc gamer has seen way better graphics than this . Bottom line, rent .