Ironically, Maplestory doesn't have a story....

User Rating: 5 | Maple Story PC
Interface 8/10
No complaints here, everything is easy to navigate, and can all be accessed by shortcuts. Though the Change Channel option has been buggy for a long time without being fixed.

Presentation (Graphics, Sound & Music) 9/10
One of the few strong points of Maplestory, the graphics are decent and with the recent Big Bang update, has been updated to accommodate a higher resolution. The BGMs are fantastic, and getting better with each new map. Sound effects are good and get the job done.

Gameplay 2/10
Sadly, there is no gameplay in Maplestory at all. Most quests are repetitive and unrewarding. For many players, the whole point of Maplestory is to simply grind and level up, sad but true. Party quests can be fun, but most people don't ever do them because "grinding is much more efficient to level up". Not much skill is required to play this game, most classes basically just spam 1 or 2 skills and jump around to hit monsters. Bossing can be fun at first, but later become boring as there is no strategy involved, and you basically spam your highest DPM skill for EVERY SINGLE boss.

Community 4/10
The community in Maplestory is downright terrible, hackers, exploiters, and scammers run rampant. Players range from immature 8 year olds who tak liek dis to absolute jerks who kill steal you for fun. Of course, most players are decent enough to at least be reasonable and mature, but you won't find many friends that you can trust.

Service 1/10
Customer service is a disaster in Maplestory, GMs don't do anything, and don't expect a reply from Nexon for a few months when you send them a ticket. Them releasing classes more overpowered than the last makes you wonder if they actually understand their own game at all. Nexon does release events quite often, but many are boring, and many players don't even bother participating because it "loses valuable grinding time".

Overall: 5/10

Maplestory can be fun to try out, but there are way better games to spend your time on.