I Love This Game!

User Rating: 8.2 | Maniac Mansion NES
How many ways can we kill Dawson's Crew! Drown 'em, throw 'em at a radioactive Meteor, 'ave 'em nuke a hamster*, radioactive steam, blow up the Mansion (4X), and (urinate) off the Green tentacle!

Wow! What an awesome game!

*Best part of the game is exploding the hamster. The item's censored, so you can't quite see nuked hamster remains, but it's still (screwing) funny! Oh, you die that way because Ed goes Nutso if you kill his hamster and give it to him; Of course, the only two crew members with (Brass Monkeys) enough to put a living creature in the Microwave is either Syd or Razor (haha, she doesn't have (brass monkeys)!). But still, give Dave the hamster. It's a hoot to see the main character die! (Chrono trigger, anyone?)

This game is awesome! Only problem is it takes a really long time to walk from tip to tip of the house. I'm going to have to make a movie of it some day. (There's this really good one for Mario Bros, called Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom. I'll do something like that..)

Hey, did anybody notice the blonde stoner character in the banner for this game? His name is Jeff and he is my icon.