Not as stealthy as stealth games, and not as gorey as gore games, not as rewarding/fun as good games.

User Rating: 6.5 | Manhunt PS2
Not as stealthy as stealth games, and not as gorey as gore games, not as rewarding/fun as good games.

This game to me seemed like the PS2's version of the movie series SAW. They had the cameras watching, the gore the violence, etc. but they just didnt have a good game.

The game felt sloppy control wise - clunkyy turning corners and finding dark spots....some spots were very challenging and it was rewarding to sneak past a bunch of lunatics and then messy kill a victim.

The "execution" sequences were unneccesary and made the game a lot more juvenile that it needed to be/should have been.

If done correctl this game easily could have got a 9 or 10 out of 10, but most of the time i felt like i was playing a gore filled MGS ripoff.

In the end the funfactor of the kills, erc made this worthwhile playing - but overally it's a very forgetable experience on the PS2.

Check ur bargain bin if you are really needing a gore-filled average game....but considering 9/10 games are exactly that your better off passing.