SRPGs are back with a bang and no one can stop it.

User Rating: 9.2 | Makai Kingdom: Chronicles of the Sacred Tome PS2
NIS does it again. Another SRPG that is fun to play with a great and funny story. If you have played Disgaea and Phantom Brave, then you now how this game works. They took the best of Disgaea and the best of Phantom Brave and added some new twist and made this game. You have to confine your people, but unlike PB you don't have to do it on the field, and once you confine them you have forever, or untill you want them to go away. You find an item you want and look at what stats it gives and make your person. You can also have buildings that, not only let you buy things or let you heal, you can summon them to battle and bring your people out of them getting pumped for whatever building you put them in. Lots of levels, tons of items, and some old faces show back up one more time. The story starts with Lord Zetta, A bad ass freaking overlord (what he calls himself), trys to save his netherworld, by finding the sacred tome which contains his netherworld. when he finds it and opens it, inside it says "Lord Zetta is stupid". Getting mad he burns the book, when everything starts going away he fuses himself to the book to save himself. Now as a book you must rebuild your netherworld, with the help of other overlords, this is not going to be easy. If you know these games, then you should check this great title out, and if you are wanting a fun loving game with a good, funny story and great art work, feel free to try, you will not regret it.