if you have a ps3 your in luck cuz u can play the show if u only have 360 then ur stuck with this garbage with no alt.

User Rating: 5 | Major League Baseball 2K8 X360
o boy where do i start this game is just plain buggy from the get go. the whole trading card system is just plain useless and kinda boring to be completely honest. the swing system is a bit buggy, especially online. im not the biggest fan of all of the emphasis being on the right stick to pitch, swing, and field (although the fielding is good and feels nice) however you can change the controls back to the traditional way as well as the fielding and pitching (highly reccomended) i didnt have any problems creating a player so that is a plus but the create a player feature is still far behind the customization you get with MLB08 The Show. The presentation is decent with the regular ESPN guys joe morgan and jon miller but at times they will constantly repeat themselves which can get annoying not to mention that on mlb08 the show the presentation is outstanding. The Franchise mode isnt much to complain about but at the same token isnt ANYTHING to write home about and is only one player which is ok if thats what you want but if you want more control you will have to skip this game. the online is just horriffic i mean they have leagues but even that isnt going to be enough to convince yourself that its worth playing because the swing mechanic is near impossible to master while online leading to a lot of strikes not to mention the pitches are hard to time. the bugs during regular gameplay are also evident with sometimes there is many jersey glitches and in some cutscenes to the crowd they just look highly unpolished. there also is some texture issues at times with the wrinkles in the jerseys cutting in and out leading it to look more like an original xbox game rather than an xbox 360 game. with all of the bugs this game has and a poor online mode to support an already mediocre at best offline gameplay this game is a definate skip unless ur an avid baseball fan and ONLY own a 360 but if you have PS3 go and get MLB the show,