If you like baseball you will like it.

User Rating: 9 | Major League Baseball 2K8 X360
I really must say that the new pitching mechanism in 2K8 is not just creative but also fabulous for playing some true ball game. Someone named babbitt2121 wrote below "After you switch the pitching to last years version which has worked for years, you actually have a chance of throwing a strike that isn't a homer" but this is not true. If you love baseball and get use to the pitching mechanism, it's a plain fun to play and you will enjoy throwing various types of pitches on different locations just like real time baseball.

babbitt2121 also said "Overall gameplay is easy, The cpu never steals" but it's because he totally forgot about the customizing the difficulty. It's your choice to whether make a home-run party in the stadium or a real tense ball game. CPU's stealing tendency could also be customized.

Of course, there are also some disappointing parts. First of all, the Xbox Live is impossible to play due to immense lag. You have to step and swing before the pitcher throws the ball. Secondly, the card system is pretty much pointless and not attractive. I personally think it could have been better if this card system wasn't there. Thirdly, although the graphic is great, there are glitches like all the users talk crap about. (I got rid of this problem by turning off the inning replays). Also, it occasionally freezes during a game.

Overall, what I want to say is that although this game is not brilliant, it's not a trash game like everyone here says. It's somewhat suprising if you are a baseball fan and play 2K8 after reading gamespot user reviews.