Come on 2K!!!

User Rating: 7.5 | Major League Baseball 2K8 X360
Okay. I will admit by saying this is an improvement from 2k7. But it is still not good enough. I will start out with the good things, which will be much shorter than the negative.

The controls are terrible. I ran out of body parts to count the times where the ball goes right next to the fielder. A huge and very annoying glitch. The commentary is good at first, but it gets old real fast. And the players faces are not very realistic to me at least. A-Rod looks like some average Joe playing baseball. The menus are a chore to navigate, and even worse, i need a magnifying glass to read the print on e-mails and other such. Some of the player ratings are whack.

Now the good.

Of course it's entertaining. Graphics are good enough to hold me by. Everything looks mostly real, and the stadiums and retro jerseys are nice. But that's about it from the positives. There are other things, don't get me wrong, but what I am trying to say is that 2K gots some splaining to do. They need to work and improve this game drastically by next year. I know that i will rent before buying this game.