Hey, I don't really know what all the complaints are about. I guess it has its bugs, but the bugs are so unimportant.

User Rating: 8.5 | Major League Baseball 2K8 X360
Alright, so a lot of people are really disliking this game. But it's the greatest baseball game I've ever seen or played. I'm sorry if you disagree, but that's my thought. The gameplay is great! The ideas are wonderful, but there are a few bugs here and there. The franchise mode may not be too deep, but it is fun to play. The Inside Edge is a new thing in baseball gaming. It helps you get that edge on your opponents. It's your trusting scouts showing batter's weaknesses or pitcher's special info. I guess I may be missing the big picture but the only bugs I've noticed is that Bernie physically goes through the slide in his dugout and players can't run into walls, but my biggest problem is how hard it is. But I love that. You can play on the Pro level and get a challenge. The graphics are better than any game I've ever seen. You can see Prince's tattoo on the side of his neck. The players' jersey's fold, that's really new to me they also blow in the wind. The graphics are amazing, the game play is above par and the franchise mode is a little below average, but I give it a decent score of 8.2/10. I think people are being to hard on this game. I recommend it . :)