Unfortuantly......us 360 users have just another horrible baseball game for 360.

User Rating: 5 | Major League Baseball 2K8 X360
(Sigh) Just wasted 60 dollars for really bad glitches, gameplay and crappy graphics. But I almost had to because there is no other REALISTIC (sorry The BIGS) baseball game for the wonderful XBOX 360. I mean this game has endless glitches. Everytime at bat, and every other time imaginable. The gameplay sucks.....just flat out. And I take back the graphics comment because they are just O.K. Remember to check out my page for good, honest reviews and good ratings!!! GAMESPOT PLEASE GET RID OF THIS STUPID 100 WORD RULE! It really really really kills me in every every every review! I am looking foward to the day when MLB: The Show series come out for 360 instead of stupid sony fanboys So once again....................................................................................................................................................(SSSSSIGGGHHHHH)