First impressions are that out of the box, this game may not meet expectations, but after a game or two, things change..

User Rating: 9 | Major League Baseball 2K7 X360
Let me just say that I was extremely nervous about spending $60.00 on this game after the poor excuse for a baseball game came out last year, but once I sat down and opened the box I found myself pleasantly surprised. Out of the box the game, in some aspects is flat out silly, both very easy and extremely hard at the same time. A person playing their first game can hit home runs in abundance, and at the same time will find it nearly impossible to get the AI batters out. This is where the games difficulty sliders come into play. Giving the player the controls to adjust a multitude of player and AI abilities makes this one of the best baseball games to hit any platform on the market. After just a few games you can have everything tuned to just the way you like it, making for some of the best, most realistic games ever. What really brings everything together for this game is the presentation, and the attention to detail. Jon Miller and Joe Morgan announce the game (most of the time they are right on with the plays) and the small details such as a ball boy running out to chase foul balls really makes you feel like you are at the park. Graphics = AMAZING on a HDTV, and if using any type of surround sound system you will be happy feeling like you are in the seats!

Franchise and GM mode are a little shallow but fun to play. You will probably have many home runs taken away from you by overly aggressive AI outfielders, but again this can be fixed by adjusting their abilities. Overall this is a great second shot for the 360, can’t wait till next year!