Gameplay is relatively annoying at times...only bought it because it has Franchise mode, so knew what I was getting into

User Rating: 5.5 | Major League Baseball 2K7 PSP
The gameplay is relatively annoying at times. I only bought this game instead of "The Show" because 2K7has Franchise mode, so I knew what I was getting into. Still, there are clear problems with the controls, and I STILL find it difficult not to throw 2-3 consecutive wild pitches if there is anyone on base. The franchise mode is nice, although I have still not found ways to save a game I am currently playing, making it hard to start and stop as much as I'd like. This could be because of a non-intuitive menu system that seems to run throughout the game, or because it simply lacks this functionality. The fact that I can't really tell also says something about the helpfulness of the instructions/help screens. It is what it is, the only baseball sim I know of for PSP with a franchise mode, but not a very "great" game in regards to playability or access.