not as bad as some people say it is but it could be better

User Rating: 7 | Major League Baseball 2K7 PS2
this game is fun....for the first couple hours then its boarding.the players rateing are very over rated (david ortiz-100,manny rameriz-100 ect.)yes they are very good players but not good enought for a 100 rating.the graphics are good but some what set back to mlb baseball 2k5.TAKE THE YANKEES OFF THE COVER ALL READY!!!!EVERY MLB BASEBALL 2K WHATEVR YEAR IT IS ITS ALWAYS A YENKEE,PUT THE RED SOX ON FOR A YEAR OR TWO.the controls are easy to learn but may reasult in frustrating moments(you tell him to do a curveball and i drops way in the dirt but you placed it in the high strike zone.this game is good but far from perfect if you are a 2k fan you might not like this game but if this is your first mlb baseabll 2k game you've played you will like it.