This is so realistic and has the best graphics ever for a baseball game.

User Rating: 10 | Major League Baseball 2K7 X360
This baseball game is the best ive ever played. The hit stick is so awesome and is a billion times better than the classic control. It is better because you dont hit home runs every time your up to bat and you can pull the ball and you can hit the ball the opposite direction. I say that people that use the classic control are noobs and doesnt like to try something new. There is one bad thing about this game, it is too easy to rob home runs and the computer does it to me all the time. The slide stick makes it easier to be safe. The signiture style actualy makes me feel like im playing real baseball and the animations when you hit home runs with a person that has their own signature style is realistic. When you create a player you can do alot of stuff to the person you are creating.