I am dying to play this again with my old friends. I have a PS2 and X-box and still loving a 21 year old game!

User Rating: 9.4 | Mail Order Monsters C64
Mail-Order Monsters is one of the secret treasures of the old school gaming world (C-64). I have spent over 200 hours on this game. You probably won't find this game on a top 50 list of the Commodore 64 games, but it is deserving of the top ten. Notice that it is made by one of the greatest game developers ever (EA- Electronic Arts). I have put in as many hours on this game as I have any of my top 5 games of all time. THE main concept goes like this. First you choose a type of warrior (Mail- Order Monster). Some of the greatest warriors ever to walk planet Earth and a few special bred creatures are yours to select and put in a corral for later use in battle. The Graphics are solid for the year 1985. After you choose a Monster, then you get to purchase extras, such as claws, gills, spitting abilities, ect. and natural defenses. You are then allowed if you still have the funds to purchase more speed, brainpower, natural armor, and strength. If you have more money left you can then buy weopons which range from boomarangs to Missles and Lasars. The playability of the game itself is what makes it fun and the fact that it is hard to predict who will win fights while playing against a buddy. All the variables, attributes, weopons, natural attacks and defense mechanisms play into a fight simulator that is fun to play over and over against a friend especially. Your character builds up in level as well and can become godlike in comparison to a beginner. There three separate modes which involve co-op, capture the flag and deathmatches. Unfortunately the AI is quite predictable yet very challenging still. The VS deathmatch against a friend is the highpoint. The Character building though can give many hours of diversion as well, when strategizing what could match up against a friend.