A good game for Magic the Gathering card game fans

User Rating: 7.2 | Magic: The Gathering - Battlegrounds XBOX
This game is a pretty good game. I believe that people that have a Magic the Gathering background might enjoy this game a little more then others. It's neat seeing some of the cards you've used in the past in the card game come to life. The graphics are average. The characters models for your creatures are well done and the game does not lag even when several creatures have been summoned and a lot of action is happening. The sound gets annoying at times as the person casting the spell says the name of the spell. Thus when casting the same spell several times in a row it can become irritating. You will not be purchasing this game for the storyline. They have a story but it is predictable. Still better then nothing I guess. This game has the possibility for what seems like endless combos because of the spells you can choose from. However, there are several cards that do not compliment one another so you do find yourself finding a good combo and sticking with it until it no longer works. They force you to play different each color to complete the story mode in this game. I like this because most of the time Magic The Gathering players have their favorite color and stick with it. This game makes you have to get good at playing different play styles. The originality of this game is great , there are not many games out there like this one so it's a nice change of pace. It is definitly a cult classic. I hope they make a sequel to this game and add more spells to make the variety of the game more appealing. This game is worth at least renting if you enjoyed playing the Magic The Gathering card game.