A Great Change of Pace.

User Rating: 7.5 | Magic 2014 IOS
Well, I will start off saying that I got this game on PS3 and not on PC.

This is my first time to play a game that is about cards, so if you are fan of such games that similar to Yu- Gi Oh, then I think this would be worth your time to try.

The game is deep and complex with interesting concept, it takes time to learn and understand, so if you got no experience in this game (like me), you may need to complete the full campaign to get a full grasp on how this game work and develop an idea on different types of strategies.

The campaign mode is short and wont much time to finish, surely less than 10 hours game, but after that there are plenty of other modes, like Sealed and Challenges, which can entertain you longer.

After all that done, you of course got the online multiplayer which is surely hard since you will get to challenge people who have great experience, strategies and a built deck of cards.

The game got plenty of wonderful art, on the cards, and rare cards gets better looking art too, surely after a while of playing that, it wont matter anymore because you would have seen every card many times.

Sadly the game don't have any great cinematic scenes but doesn't matter, the game is around 7 pounds on British store which is fair and a good price for such game, no regret in my side from buying this.

Fortunately, this game has a demo, so if you unsure about this game, go get that demo and give this game a shot, you never know, you may like it.