Kills Fun Dead

User Rating: 1.9 | Mage Knight: Apocalypse PC
What a HUGE Disappointment , I've had more fun going to the Dentist !
The Graphics are clunky and unpolished , on par with Dungeon Lords ,the interface screens look like they've been created by some kid as his after-school project and don't even get me started on your character equipment screen... So much for polishing your game guys !

If I was the CEO of the company I would have fired the entire game design team !!

Talk about wasting a great idea ! All the previews sounded so good , but all the promise of character background and backstory fizziled to nothing.

Oh , and the AI sucks something serious... AFTER I applied the first patch I still had an orc just standing next to me looking at my character after I had just wiped out his friends !! Don't even want to know how bad it was before the patch !