Tries to be WoW but in Single Player and fails...miserably.

User Rating: 4.8 | Mage Knight: Apocalypse PC
On the first level of Mage Knight Apocalypse I noticed the font, the items, and the on screen chat looked very much like WoW. I thought "Cool maybe this won't be so bad!", I was wrong. The models and water look great but the fighting gameplay looks outdated and isn't the most fun I've had in an RPG. The skill setup tries to add a new style with only 6 skills on the bar but you can click to select one making it bound to the mouse buttons until you click another skill, which is O.K. but it is just not ideal only a keyboard. You also die alot in MKA which would usually make me mad but you just respawn at the last checkpoint with no death penalty making for no challenge. Overall this game has no depth and is horribly boring, try your luck with another RPG or wait for better RPGs to come such as NeverWinter Nights 2 and Gothic III.