Great sphere, the rest is not too good but not that bad either. Quite addictive too.

User Rating: 7.2 | Mage Knight: Apocalypse PC
When i finally got to play the game after a good long installation time with as much as 6 disks , my first reactions where quite good. The graphics where pretty good and you see right away that there's some good, quite original fantasy in the game. I was directly drawn into the game with the good ambient sounds and an overall good looking fantasy world.
I got myself through the tutorial level and i noticed the gameplay is a bit simple, and how further you get how more simple it gets. But simple doesn't directly mean bad. Its just not that good, but really not bad. I am halfway through chapter 2 now and its getting more and more addictive. It got a good storyline and the sphere is still really nice. 1 thing i noticed was the point you get no penalty for dying, and i died quite a few times already, you just respawn at the latest savepoint, nothing lost.
At 1 point my savegames didnt load anymore, this was easily fixed tough. Another bad thing is the skill selection through the numberkeys doesnt really work too well, so you'll have to go down to the bar at the bottom pretty often.

Mage Knight Apocalypse has its flaws and bugs, but theres a good game behind it.