While not not the best game in the world, it's decent.

User Rating: 7.1 | Mage Knight: Apocalypse PC
After completing the game at least one time, I can say that it was at least moderately entertaining. I never experienced any of these bugs some of the other reviews are claiming. More than likely they are people that downloaded a cracked version of the game and so cannot get the 1.01 patch. I have seen maybe one bug, where the loot bags sometimes do not disappear. It is at most a minor annoyance. It can get a little slow at times, especially if there are a large number of creatures on the screen. Simply lowering my graphics settings in those instances made it work perfectly fine. For those that have compared it to World of Warcraft: try not getting lag when there’s 100 some odd creatures or players on the screen on high graphic settings. Also, the character pathing is great. Sometimes your allies don’t follow you automatically, you just have to click the follow button and they will find their way to you.

On the negative side, it does not quite live up to its hype. It does involve a degree of grinding if you want to obtain the higher levels, and the classes are more limited than the advertisements would have you believe. One thing I would like to point out though, if you don’t have some sort of character grinding development… it isn’t a RPG. If you don’t like grinding, don’t play RPGs. The story line is “alright”, it’s not the best I’ve ever seen, nor is it very long, but it is somewhat interesting. They DEFINITELY could have made it longer, with a few more plot twists, but to say it’s awful is an overstatement. Now one kind of annoying part with the game is some of the battles are ridiculously hard, except that there is no penalty for dying, so, it ends up being a war of attrition with you slowly wearing down the boss after dying 10 times.

In closing, it was a decent game, definitely not as bad as many individuals will claim, but it does have it’s flaws. If you want something fun to play and to keep you entertained for awhile, it’s worth the money. If you want the perfect game that will satisfy you for the rest of your life, you may want to save your money.