It will take you about 40min to install it.. But, before you install it, make a backup of your drives...

User Rating: 3 | Mage Knight: Apocalypse PC
Well. Where to begin?

You start the game, no you dont..
It will take you about 40min to install it..
But, before you install it, make a backup. 'coz the uninstaller will mess your pc up in a (if you're lucky) bad way.

Lets play.
You'll wait for a few minutes for the game to crash and recrash a few times, then it'll take about 4min to even show the intro.. Downloaded and installed the patch. Ok the game only crash 2 times before it finally starts, and now you'll only have to wait 3min to see the intro.

It's a "we have seen this before rpg game" pick a character, and kill some. Use your skills to release even deadlier ways to slaughter your way through the game, if you manage to get the camera to point where you want it to.. You have more strugles with the game controls than with the enemies.