An Honest Review of MAG

User Rating: 7 | MAG PS3
When I first heard about MAG I was instantly excited by the prospects of the massive battles the game promised to deliver. But when it was released and I read the mixed reviews on the internet I held off on buying the game for myself while I waited for more information to trickle in on the game as I had COD MW2 to occupy my time. But then those $15 map packs started to get released and I refuse to buy map packs when I could purchase a game for what the map packs are costing. So I found myself sitting down with a copy of MAG and here is what I can determine.

- Big Battles
- Balanced Weapons
- No over the top perks which throw the game out of whack
- Realistic and Strategic game play

The BAD:
- Graphics are horrible
- Broken physics
- Not very fluid animations
- Controls feel clunky

A solid game for 1st Person Shooter fans that have become bored with what they are currently playing. But does have some serious flaws that detract from the game play and never leave the player feeling blown away by the game and prevent players from having a great gaming experience. Solid 6.5 - 7