MAG is an awesome game but how good is it compared to other online shooters? Find out.

User Rating: 9 | MAG PS3
MAG is an awesome online shooting experience that is pretty awesome

gameplay-Before you start out your career on MAG you have to choose a PMC between Raven, S.V.E.R., and Valor, each having different weapons, customizable character sets, and techniques you can unlock. Once you start off you do training followed by Suppression or team deathmatch with 64 players in the game, as you get higher in the ranks you play Acquisition where you capture targets and take them to your base with 128 players, and the big boy domination that features 256 players in one battle that can last up to a half of an hour with one team attacking and the other defending. It's a pretty cool system, and surprisingly there is barely any lag when playing in the matches, but there are little glitches and bugs for characters that die.

Graphics-Obviously this game wasn't hyped for the graphics and it shows it. The game doesn't have terrible graphics but don't go in expecting MW2 or BFBC2 graphics. That being said don't expect a perfect graphic game.

Conclusion-MAG is an awesome online only shooter that delivers in my books. ANY fan of online games and fps games should give MAG a shot. A 9/10