it's look like a PS2 game!

User Rating: 5 | MAG PS3
simply this game look like PS2 game with poor 3d and polish, not fun game play at all, weapons sounds and feels like a paintball guns (you don't believe me! try it your self), if you are a sniper you will need to hit 4 or 5 hits to kill some 1, i don't know why any1 would recommend this game to any 1, i just think that the only reason to recommend this game is that you need more friend to play with, the big numbers in players in every game type with the respawn action make it nearly impossible to make the game objectives, you only win if you are lucky enough to be in the winning team with the better players, I've heard some peeps comparing it to SOCOM emmmm it's not even close, I've bought the game after hearing some friend recommend it, and iam now trying to sell it or replace it with FIFA 10 to give it to my BRO because i already have FIFA 10.