If you value teamwork, strategy, and realism, MAG is where it's at!!!!

User Rating: 9 | MAG PS3
I'm not going to lie, I have been following MAG for a long time and it has delivered on all fronts. From gameplay to maps to controls this game is nearly flawless for all it set out to accomplish. MAG boasts 256 players with no lag at all (can you believe that!!!). The best part about MAG is that you acutally feel like you are in a war that matters. You begin the game by choosing you PMC (Raven, Valor, or SVER) and you fight various battles for the overall domination of the global shadow war between the 3 PMC's. Each mission you or anyone undertake affects the shadow war (winning and losing actually matter!!). Once enough wins by a PMC are obtained contracts are awarded for regions of the world where the contract was won. This contract gives in game benefits to the PMC (I didn't lie when I said each game counted).

Now that you have the sense of the general theme of the game here are some more fine tuned details:

Line of Command:
There are 3 lines of command: Commander (of the whole battle), platoon leaders (each platoon is 4, 8 man squads), and the squad leader. Depending on the mission and map size there will be varying amounts of these leaders and the extra abilities awarded to them will change. For example they can call in air strikes and other things (if the enemies anti air are taken down on the ground first).

MAG boasts a very nice command system that allows excellent communication within squads and between squads for the leaders to plan and attack.

MAG allows you to create the character the way you want it. There aren't preset classes but numerous skills that you unlock (with skill points that you earn as you level up) that you can use to pick and choose for make your character your own. You can also eventually respec your character after you earn enough respec points. What this means is that you lose all the skills you picked, but you get back all the skill points that you previously spent. This allows you to "respec" lol your character if you didn't use some skills you chose before.

Whoever says the graphics are last gen should go home. While it's no killzone 2 or uncharted 2 it definitely holds its own in many regards. For one thing the textures are still better than MW2, even though the character models aren't quite as nice. You will have no problem seeing things, the graphics are great!!!

Very well designed

DTS....need I say more???

If you are on the edge about buying this game, just go for it. If you at all like FPS and have a broadband connection you should own this title. Zipper did an amazing job and this is a one in a lifetime gem. Never before have I played an online shooter where I felt like my actions on the battlefield made a difference and the I was part of something larger than just running and gunning to get a good K/D. Come and join us in MAG....do you have what it takes?