mafia one of the best mafiosi games if you like the godfather or gta you should denifnely play this amazing mafoisi game

User Rating: 9.5 | Mafia PS2
mafia one of the best mafiosi games if you like the godfather or gta you should denifnely play this amazing mafoisi game.i luv this game like alot you play as tommy anglo from a taxi driver to a brutal killing mafia made go from driving people to beating up people to stealing cars then to killing some rival mobesters.the year in mafia is 1930s and the city is the lost of heaven probaly based on new this game you do jobs for your mob boss don saleri you are in the saleri crime family your buddies are paulie and sam.the cars are hard to drive and they are not good its hard to controll the cars in this game its not like gta where you speed and the cops wont give you a ticket in this games if you speed,drive careless you get a ticket in mafia if you wont stop the police will arrest u if u dont stop still you get killed i honestly like that rule its actually realstic.the guns are awesome fromk shotgun to tommy guns the orginal mafia gun then to the assassination pistols.the outfit are like mafia.this game makes you feel like a mafia soldier.the mafia rank you are is a soldierl a made man already.the story is really good and some shocking hardbreaking moments.missions are fun.this is the true mafia game and one of the best mafia game i played probaly the new mafia game mafia 2 will be an awesome game mafia 2 is coming in 1 week and 4 days i bet that game is gonna be good so if you like mafia or gta or the godfather then mafia 1 is a game for you.

GOOD-story is awesome a good mafia story-missions are awesome-you feel like a mafia made man

BAD-cars are hard to controll