User Rating: 4.2 | Mafia PS2
Don't believe the hype surrounding the PC version of Mafia, and certainly view the criticism of the PS2 game in this light. The PC version of Mafia was one of the most overrated gaming experience that I have ever suffered through. Endless voice over exposition, a hypertension inducing racing mission, slow cars, endless driving, more driving...Kill me. Did I mention there's a lot of driving in really slow, old cars? I'm having flashback nightmares just thinking about it...someone please make it stop. And don't make the mistake of thinking that this is some throwback, stylized edition of GTA. Beyond the fact that there is both driving and shooting, this game has as much in common with GTA as field hockey has in common with ice hockey If the Gamespot review says the PS2 version of THIS game has too many interruptions in game play, keep in mind that in this gamer's opinion the original Mafia was killed by the constant voice overs and other interruptions. If you want hardboiled action and stick the GTA's or Max Paynes. If you want to torture yourself, by all means buy Mafia.