This game is worse than NFL Street

User Rating: 3 | Madden NFL 16 PS4

Now I haven't played a Madden game in a few years, but this game feels like it's taken quite a few steps backwards. I find myself having significantly less control over the players, especially on the defense when I'm not allowed to dive when the ball is in the air. It feels like an extreme hindrance to me and I can't understand why they'd purposely emit simple game mechanics like being able to dive when you want to. I also feel like I have no control over what happens in the game. I manage to stop the opposing team on defense and hold them to a field goal. The computer decides it's going to rough the kicker, giving them the first down. Thanks Madden 16. I really wanted to stay on defense longer. this has happened to me multiple times over the course of playing the game for only a few days. I'm getting very tired of it. In another instance, I did a celebratory dive into the endzone on a touchdown and my player fumbled the ball when he hit ground, resulting in a touchback instead of a touchdown. It baffled me that a simple game mechanic like celebration can cause a player to spontaneously fumble the ball. I find myself getting frustrated every time I play, because I don't have control over half of the things that happen. I compare this game to NFL Street because NFL Street was released in 2004 for the GAMECUBE as an over-the-top pick-up football game, and it feels like a better game simulation to me than this game. At least I have control over the players in that game. I still enjoy the game to an extent, but it has so far been a huge letdown for me.