This is the absolute best football game I played up to date.

User Rating: 9.8 | Madden NFL 06 PS2
This game kicks freaking butt!Ive never had so much fun with a football game!You get to play NFL superstar(career), franchise, exhibition, etc.You can buy madden cards which gives you a special effect during a game, theres lotsa great soundtracks.The only game mode I really play is the NFL superstar.You get to go to interviews, IQ tests, drafts, go to your personal website, hire agents, create you guy(of course), change how your guy looks in mirror, tattoo and barber shops.In NFL superstar, the way you create a character you have to choose your parents which effect your stats, position, etc.

Gameplay:Great football game, the QB vision and precision makes it more challenging and makes you not fall asleep when trying to throw the ball.You get hot routes, etc.

Graphics:Superb, evrything looks real!There is different weather like you can play in overcast, rain, snow, sun, etc.Everything just looks real like when its raining or overcast you can actually see the clouds moving!Only bad thing is that the fans look like paper cutouts.

Sound:Jon Madden is back, the football players make grunts and other noises when tackled.The soundtrack is great, many songs and artists.


Tilt:Great game that should be played by anyone and everyone, it will keep you playing for years and years and years.