truly a great game, highly addictive

User Rating: 8.5 | M.A.C.H. Modified Air Combat Heroes PSP
I found MACH at the store and took it home, expecting it to be a good time burner. turns out to be one of the BEST games for the psp.

This game gives you 2 game modes, a race mode and a dogfight mode. There are also 5 maps (4 types too, short, long, reversed long reversed short) and 11 vehicles. though this may seem like a letdown, it has GREAT REPLAY VALUE.

When i first started career, i thought it was at an alright difficulty. Later on, it gets harder but after some time in the arcade mode, i got back to winning.
The learning curve is about 1-2hrs at most in the beginning. A little tip...dont spend all your money at once (after finishing career, i only fully upgraded mayday) and WINNING DOESNT MEAN ALWAYS GETTING FIRST, if your opponents does badly....

You could customize some parts and its appearance. for appearence, you could customize 5 parts with 5 types of designes (there are alot of choices in it). for parts, you could change 6 parts from rookie to pro to ace.

And for those of you that says the AI flys better than just suck...sorry. The AI tunes its difficulty according to how fast you go. EX: i got a new record but i still got third place. I fly moderately but still get first. this type of cant complain about it.

My only complaint is that there arent enough modes, vehicles, or weapons but it still has great replay value, especially with friends.